NOTE: Gmail and other email clients have been marking our emails as spam lately. Please add monthly[at]spittooncollective[dot]com to your friend list or white list, and please check your spam folder if you are expecting a submission reply.
Please submit your work to monthly[at]spittooncollective[dot]com. Your submission will not be considered unless you include the following: In the subject of your email, write “Submission – [Your Name]”. Include your submission attached in a single Word (.doc) document. In the body of the email, tell us anything we need to know about your submission. Please include a brief bio, including any places or contexts with which you associate yourself or your writing.
If you have any questions or problems, please direct them to info[at]spittooncollective[dot]com.
We are looking for English-language writing from or about Asia. We want to promote writing at the intersections of cultures and places without presuming or policing the necessarily arbitrary and complex categories of identity.
Furthermore, we at Spittoon Monthly have an itch for the unscratchable—we have removed genre distinctions from our submissions process. Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, experiments, and everything in between are welcome. Regardless of genre or form, send us something vibrant.
We love translations and encourage them as long as you can demonstrate permission from the author.
Simultaneous submissions—certainly! Please notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Previously published works will be considered if we believe publishing the work again will remain helpful for the author and exciting for our readers. As most literary work published through small presses and on blogs reaches so few readers, and as these venues not infrequently close, thereby leaving good work in limbo, we don’t see this as a problem. However, if you are submitting previously published work, you must make this clear, and tell us where it originally appeared (providing a link if one is extant).
Prose should be under 4,000 words. Poetry should be up to 5 poems or 10 pages. Hybrid/experimental work should be a rough equivalent. If your work is so experimental that word counts and pages don’t apply, shoot us a query anyway. If we’re intrigued, we’ll consider it. Please send your submission in one document with sensible formatting.
As we only accept one writer each month, a lot of great writing slips by for circumstantial reasons. We encourage you to take advantage of our frequent reading periods and resubmit with new work as often as you like.
We aim to reply within six weeks, but sometimes we fall behind.
Your work will remain yours; we ask only for first time publication and the right to archive your work on our website.
We are not able to compensate our writers at this time.
By submitting to Spittoon Monthly you agree to be added to our mailing list. We will only email you regarding submission opportunities and new issues of Spittoon Monthly, and you can always reply to unsubscribe.
Follow Spittoon on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to catch our announcements and calls for submission.