Featured Translation: 叶美 Ye Mei
Ana digs in to find the source of quiet, potential energy in this translation of Ye Mei’s “Anniversary”.
Want to read the latest from literary China? Check back every month as we feature translations of powerful and diverse contemporary Chinese writing, curated from the archives of our print publication, Spittoon Literary Magazine.
Ana digs in to find the source of quiet, potential energy in this translation of Ye Mei’s “Anniversary”.
Discover some feats of bold yet faithful translation—and a touch of politics—as you lose yourself in this twisting, wintry poem.
Words and subject test each other in these three minimalist poems by Tang Jui Piow. But how do you translate that? Ana’s foreword zooms in.
She noticed a mysterious thread sprouting from a mole. This is what happened when she pulled it. Short fiction by Chen Si’an 陈思安 with a short essay from the translator.
Introducing two poems by 杜绿绿 Du Lulu from Spittoon Literary Magazine Issue 4. A short intro looks at the art in the translation.
Li Wan was the featured poet at the August 31 edition of Spittoon Poetry Night.