Spittoon U Corner gives students the opportunity to showcase their creative writing.
3 x 5 Seconds
You have eyes that are
envied by stars and spark
thousands of poems
Looking into them my eyes burn
my skin boils
As if into the sun I
with wings of Icarus, fly.
Into the cold water
waxed wings of feelings
that stir up the food I ate
and poke the scars of fate
too delicate to speak
too flamboyant to perceive
melt, drip, drop.
They freeze into some
fragmented sentences
and scattered thoughts
or is it what they call
you blink, and my life is remeasured
you look away, and I fall
Dancing Gorillas
What is love
It is the feeling when you bite into a Twix bar
It is the aching heart, and cracking voice
It is the hug that heals and crushes
The kiss that melts and slashes
It is the conditional contract
between homeless hearts
the flames burning in your eyes
After you crumple pages of selfish desires
Into a ball
And set on fire
What is love
It seems to me sometimes, All
And sometimes
None of the above
It is a mirror ball, spinning
As the gorillas chase for meanings
Fluttered by its million reflections-
On the floor and walls they crawl
But can never catch them all
Drunk with fairy tales and songs
They hop on the merry-go-around
Cycles of deceiving and trust
Detours of passion and lust…
Lest they face It
and to burn to dust
In the Earring Store
‘You are special’
Says the white cardboard
With millions of other white cardboard
That hangs on the white walls with
Mirrors that reflect
On the cardboards
Crucifies the vain ornaments
of fake crystals that
Shines under the LED lights
Clean, pure, and perfectly cut
By machines that rust
But when they, too, look in the mirror
They, too, hear the echo
‘You are special’
Dim lights
Sore eyes
Chocolate stuffed fridge
Murmurs louder than
The beating of my heart
Which surge my veins with
Inaudible words that are
Cliché, opaque, and hopeless
To the paper my soul sold
The unspeakable, the unmemorable
Babbling gibberish turkey stuffings
That climb to the pharynx
And make me choke
My pen spill chocolate sauce
Of my foolish thoughts
As raw as the shrimps she brought
With a smell of death and a look of life
It jumped off the counter
onto the slimy grey tiles
Oh well

Siying, born and raised in Beijing, is a sixteen-year-old violinist who feels annoyed by her own ignorance and arrogance daily. She moved to New York to study music in 2019, where she discovered her love for the humanities by the cajoling of her history teacher. Back in her hometown due to covid, she has been taking zoom classes since last April; to which the only complaint she has is that she misses seeing squirrels. Every day, you can find her wandering in Ditan park to observe and chase pigeons.
Spittoon U encourages students to get involved in literary events. Here in Spittoon U Corner, students have an opportunity to showcase their creative writing. We publish poetry or fiction from one student writer every month, so if you would like your work to be published, or if you are a student who is simply interested in attending Spittoon events, please contact Ivan Stacy, WeChat ID: ivanstacy