Beijing Lights 中, En
Beijing Lights #25: What are we busy for?
We are all tiny gears in a mechanical clock
We are all tiny gears in a mechanical clock
Hating someone is equal to killing them.
Zhu’s text will resonate deeply with anyone who has a curiosity into the internal life of words—how they live, how they move, how they capture us.
Where we call home, there are no jobs; but where there are jobs, it can never be home for us.
A comedically proficient takedown of contemporary materialism, indulgences, and millennial woes.
Saturday April 3rd @ 3-5 pm. Issue 7 will be RELEASED.
Zhu does not tell so much as direct the eye here and there, giving the reader that thrilling sense of noticing.
A determined combination of inimitable talent and penchant for the bizarre.