Translated by Josh Spacë

Zhu Ge belongs in that odd identifier a “writer’s writer”; combining an expert adoration of literature with skillful rumination into the nature of writing, Zhu’s text will likely resonate deeply with anyone who has a curiosity into the internal life of words—how they live, how they move, how they capture us. In her essay, “Rest Stop in the Clouds”, translated by Josh Spacë, she traverses history, psychogeography, and metaphysics of classical Chinese literature in pursuit of that omnipresent question: where do words go when they leave us?

To read more from Zhu Ge, check out 
Spittoon Literary Magazine Issue 7. Those residing in China can order the magazine on Weidian.




Rest Stop in the Clouds

One night I stood with two friends beneath the plaque of Lingxiao Pavilion. We came bolting in seeking shelter from a sudden downpour, gathering in the hall, lighting up cigarettes. We chatted about boring things and subjects of no significance. Then, sluggishly, unwillingly, we returned to our respective, sealed rooms. Those everyday occurrences—the affairs of others, those within books—are at once remote, and yet again, intimate, familiar, just as if they’ll one day inevitably happen to oneself. And it is precisely because of this that speaking words of reason is useless. And since it is useless, speaking some more won’t hurt anybody. So, just like that, a night like this became inconsequential.

Beyond the eaves, the spring rains are still crashing down. Beneath the curtain of rain the earth is saturated through, vapours unfurling densely through the air. The sounds of vigorous growth come in thick and fast, and suddenly a silence falls among us. In the daytime, Lingxiao Pavilion is a tavern that serves meat and liquor. Yet at this moment the windows and doors are shut tight, with an overwhelming heaviness wrapped up inside. A friend leans against one of the tightly locked doors of the pavilion and it sways ever so slightly, finally settling to bear his weight. The light of the plaque shined down on his face from above, making him look like some statue out of a Rembrandt painting, enshrouded in a faint glimmer of golden light, all shadow, with degree and depth. The dark circles under his eyes were deepened, like the sleepless noble Ning Cai Chen, on that night soon decreed by fate to meet with Nie Xiao Qian. My other friend, being older, sat on the railing rather ill-fittingly, with an expression both solemn and magnanimous, his clothing all wrinkled. His grey-black silhouette, though hard to discern in the pale yellow glow of the lanterns, following his every move. On this night, he looks brand new, like a man that’s never been used by this world. Throughout the ages, countless encounters and gatherings have unfolded down the line of time. Zhang Dai sculled his way to the heart of the lake and came upon the Jinling folk, they shared three full cups, exchanged no contacts, and went their separate ways. Li She took a room one night in Jiujiang and was paid a visit in the small hours by the Bandits of the Green Wood. They talked with great pleasure, yet discussed no heavy subjects, no talk of life or death, the conversation afterwards forgotten amongst the lakes and rivers. In Du Fu’s last year, he was reunited with Li Gui Nian while wandering through Changsha. It was late spring, petals falling like rain, and everything headed toward its end. These meetings happen again and again, reincarnating, one overlaying another, converging and contrasting one another’s essential colours, gradually growing motley, and finally becoming more the same and less different. In the garden of this rest stop, on the lakeside, and under the long corridors, countless momentary gatherings have taken the stage. Each ephemeral conversation is like dew under the eaves of the roof, ultimately heading separate ways. Within the linear extension of time, no encounter has ever defeated time, and in the end, in fact, all of them are captured by it. Only upon a certain peak — for example, the here and now — the night grows heavier, as if dawn is nowhere to be seen, and people are suspended in the midst of their journeys. They can’t help but throw off the inertia of habit —temporarily leaving the past, and at the same time having no time to run off into the future. “My lord should not say that he is foolish, for there are those just as foolish as my lord.” The parting words of the boatman still rang in his ears, even after the gathering had long passed. A simple, thoughtless encounter, the sleep-talk of madmen.


Zhu Ge, born in 1980, writer and editor. Her short stories can be seen in Shouhuo, Renmin Wenxue, October, Zhongshan, Selected Fiction, Fiction Monthly, and more. She has published the collection Nanfang gongyuan (The Southern Parks), Huoxing yi hao (Mars No. 1), and Mimi (Secret). She was the winner of the third Xihu Emerging Writer Award.

Josh Spacë, Chinese name 小易, is a translator, author, poet, and singer-songwriter from New York. He can currently be found in the Beijing hutongs, working on his upcoming hip-hop album, playing folk music with his band Prism, and doing lyric translation for local Beijing musicians. He is currently preparing to publish a poetry collection, Rootless Branch 《无根之木》in January 2021, with original English and Chinese poems. He was a distinguished guest, reciter, and speaker at Chengdu International Poetry Week in 2020. Find him on Weibo by searching: JOSHSPACE. Facebook: @etheauthor